Are you tired of the rapid oiling of your hair?
If you have to wash your hair every day at a time when life is flowing fast, or if you are ashamed to go to an emergency meeting and event with oily hair, you can solve this problem with a few small changes related to washing your hair.
In this article, you will get rid of the problem of oily hair quickly with the 4 changes you need.
I have tried all these changes myself and now my hair is getting oily late. I'm sure it will work for you too, just be patient and try for a while.
1. Do not wash your hair every day. This causes your hair to become oilier and dandruff faster. The ideal hair wash interval is considered to be every three days.2. Do not tie your hair with a towel after washing it. It gives a sauna effect and the towel accelerates the oil secretion on the scalp.
3. Apply scrub to your hair every 10 days. Scrubs help hair follicles breathe by removing oil and dirt from the scalp. You can learn the home scrubs recipe from this link.
4. Do not wash your hair with very hot water. This will make them lubricate faster and also create dandruff on the scalp.
Love your hair and do not neglect its care:) They are our most beautiful, natural accessory ❤️